The State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) governs all programs and activities funded by Title VII, Part B funds received by the state under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. It also governs programs and activities funded by state funds for the Ron Yost Personal Assistance Services program and for Independent Living Services.
The RYPAS program provides funding for personal assistance services to individuals who do not qualify for such assistance through Medicaid. The RYPAS Annual Report includes a survey of the recipients, financial information, and program stats.
The SILC Annual Report provides information on SPIL progress and activities, CLSP progress and success stories, our partnerships, WIN contacts, and SILC financial data.
A Special Edition of The IL Newsletter showcasing The Disability History Essay Contest winners. A partnership with the WV State Rehabilitation Council and the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services that coincides with WV Disability History Week and is open to all WV high school seniors.
All consumers served by the West Virginia Independence Network (WIN) are sent a written survey or participate in a phone survey. Survey results are used in the development of the State Plan for Independent Living and are used by the centers for independent living to improve their programs and services.
Read the latest local and national news on disability related issues, laws, and events.
The Community Living Services Program (CLSP) assists individuals with disabilities to function more independently in their homes and communities. Funded under the State Plan for Independent Living with State & Federal Independent Living dollars to support West Virginians with Disabilities.
CLSP services include:
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