This a two-day event hosted by the West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council's new Fair Shake Initiative.
Day one at the David Stewart's Legislative Education Advocacy Day participants will be education on the legislative process and will learn tips on how to approach Legislators. With this information you'll be ready to educate policy makers on the issues that are important to promoting Independent Living.
Day two is the Jan Lilly-Stewart's Disability Advocacy Day at the Capitol for a Rally and an opportunity to visit your representative about your concerns on current issues. While you are there you can also visit the vendors that support the Independent Living Philosophy.
Register for IL Day at the Capitol when registering for the Stewart's Conference.
On February 28, 2025, share your story with legislators, advocate for independent living, and support people with disabilities. This day of educating and advocacy brings together WIN center’s staff, disability advocates, and individuals with disabilities from across the state.
He was a strong advocate who understood and lived the independent living philosophy. He was a role model and mentor to advocates and others in the disability community.
He volunteered countless hours of his time to monitor the Legislature and was a key member of the grassroots disability movement in our state. He was an authority and reso
He was a strong advocate who understood and lived the independent living philosophy. He was a role model and mentor to advocates and others in the disability community.
He volunteered countless hours of his time to monitor the Legislature and was a key member of the grassroots disability movement in our state. He was an authority and resource on disability rights and issues that affect the lives of people with disabilities. He was an important part of the advocacy team at the Capitol and was respected and listened to. He was one of a handful of experts on the ADA and other disability rights laws and was a resource to the State ADA Coordinator, the legislature, the State Fire Marshall, the Human Rights Commission, and many other state agencies and public entities.
He was the person many of us turn to when we had a problem and was always ready with a solution. He was recognized on the state, regional, and national level as an advocate and as a resource. He was a leader, teacher, mentor, guide, and peer to many of us.
She was one of the pioneers in the independent living movement in West Virginia and has been recognized nationally for her contributions to independent living and the rights of people with disabilities. She has been an advocate for people with disabilities all her life. She was one of the original staff members at the Huntington Center fo
She was one of the pioneers in the independent living movement in West Virginia and has been recognized nationally for her contributions to independent living and the rights of people with disabilities. She has been an advocate for people with disabilities all her life. She was one of the original staff members at the Huntington Center for Independent Living, the first CIL in West Virginia (now known as Mountain State Centers for Independent Living). She developed the peer-counseling program and coordinated the Transition Program for teenagers and young adults with disabilities.
She was one of the founders of the Fair Shake Network and served as the coordinator for several years. She led the fight to close Colin Anderson Center, the last state institution for people with developmental disabilities in West Virginia.
She developed and coordinated the Partners in Policymaking (PIP) program in West Virginia.
She helped author the legislation to close Colin Anderson Center, the Assistive Technology Revolving Loan Fund legislation, the Ron Yost Personal Assistance Services Act, the Independent Living Act, and others too numerous to name..
She was the coordinator for West Virginia in the national effort to secure the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Mark Derry is an activist whose actions - to create a world where he, and others with disabilities can live and thrive independently - should be emulated by everyone with a disability who shares this goal. He is also an advocate, with a strong voice on behalf of people with disabilities who perhaps are unable to speak for themselves.
Mark Derry is an activist whose actions - to create a world where he, and others with disabilities can live and thrive independently - should be emulated by everyone with a disability who shares this goal. He is also an advocate, with a strong voice on behalf of people with disabilities who perhaps are unable to speak for themselves.
He is as independent as they come, stubbornly doing things he probably shouldn't, and it isn't just about whether he can get into a building or access a service - it's about whether all his brothers and sisters with disabilities can get into buildings and access services. It is about what we can do in the future to achieve the highest level of independence and inclusion for people with disabilities. It is about what each of us can do now, today, this minute. His role as a "motivator" cannot be overstated. No one leaves a presentation, training, or lecture he presents without a greater desire to go out and save the world! His ability to translate independent living into language understandable by both people and politicians, his depth of knowledge, his commitment is all as good as it gets.
He spends long hours in his truck driving from the "hollers" to the Capitol, to DC to talk to community groups, advocates, and government committees about disability rights. His expertise about the ADA and accessibility have earned him a national reputation
If you look under "Access" or "ADA" in corporate and government "Rolodexes" you will probably find Mark Derry's business card. He is a leader, educator, advocate, and a valued member of the Independent Living Movement in West Virginia.
Roxanne is the Director of WVABLE – a savings & investment program administered by the West Virginia State Treasurer’s Office. Prior to joining the Treasurer’s office, Roxanne worked for the WV Board of Examiners in Counseling for twelve years, where she was the Executive Director for the last three years. Before the Counseling Board, s
Roxanne is the Director of WVABLE – a savings & investment program administered by the West Virginia State Treasurer’s Office. Prior to joining the Treasurer’s office, Roxanne worked for the WV Board of Examiners in Counseling for twelve years, where she was the Executive Director for the last three years. Before the Counseling Board, she was the Director of Psychometric Services for Process Strategies, Inc., Highland Behavioral Health. Roxanne earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from West Virginia State University and a master’s degree in leadership studies with coursework emphasis in Professional Counseling from Marshall University.
Sean O’Leary is the senior policy analyst at the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy. Since joining the Center in 2010, Sean has authored numerous reports on working family issues, economic development, and state and federal budget and tax policy, including annual reports on the state budget and the State of Working West Virginia
Sean O’Leary is the senior policy analyst at the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy. Since joining the Center in 2010, Sean has authored numerous reports on working family issues, economic development, and state and federal budget and tax policy, including annual reports on the state budget and the State of Working West Virginia. Sean also leads the WVCBP’s work contributing to the annual KIDS COUNT Data Book and serves on the board of directors for the West Virginia Food and Farm Coalition. Sean holds a B.A. in political science and economics and a Master of Public Administration from West Virginia University.
Michael serves as the legal director of Disability Rights of West Virginia, the state’s federally mandated protection and advocacy system for persons with disabilities. Mr. Folio has been practicing law for over three decades and has over two decades of experience in health care law. Mr. Folio lives in Hurricane, West Virginia.
8:30 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 9:15 Paul Smith, FSI Coordinator: Welcome
9:15 - 10:15 Michael Filio, Legal Director DRofWV: Legislative Advocacy and the Legislative Process
10:15 - 11:00 Sean O’Leary, Senior Policy Analyst WV Center on Budget and Policy: 2025 Budget Review
11:00 - 12:00 Mark Derry: Keynote
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:00 Mark Derry: Keynote
2:00 - 2:45 Roxanne Clay, Exec. Director, WVABLE: WVABLE Update
2:45 - 3:00 Break
3:00 - 4:00 2025 Disability Agenda Discussion Panel
4:00 - 4:30 Evaluations and Closing Remarks
Jan Lilly-Stewart Disability Advocacy Day
8:00-9:00 Exhibitor Setup
9:30- 10:00 FSI Rally (Lower rotunda)
Paul Smith, FSI Coordinator: Welcome, release of 2025
Disability Agenda
Governor’s Office: Proclamation WV
State Treasurer: Larry Pack
Rally Speaker Mark Derry
Closing Remarks
10:00 - 12:00 Attend Sessions
12:00 Lunch (Lunch tickets required)
2:00 Exhibitors pack up
All Day Visit Your Legislators (Make your own appointments)
Visit Exhibitor Tables
Register here for both days, if you are an individual. Please fill out a separate registration for each person attending (including your personal attendant).
Register here for an exhibitor's table during the Jan-Lilly Stewart's Disability Advocacy Day at the Capitol.
Copyright © 2025 WV Statewide Independent Living Council - All Rights Reserved.